Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day 29: Masterton to Martinborough

March 26th 2014
Distance cycled: 50 km
Total distance to date: 1617 km

After a leisurely morning at George's house with lots and lots of coffee, I finally set out for Martinborough.

I feel like I might be taking it a bit too easy, only doing ~50km a day. But it allows me to relax as I ride, knowing that I have plenty of time to hey to the next destination. And it allows wiggle room for setbacks, like mechanical issues, or in today's case, a livestock roadblock:

Anyway, it was a beautiful day, if not a little windy for my taste. Fall is definitely in the air here in New Zealand!

My WS hosts tonight, Ed and Vicki, are totally rad orchestra people. Ed plays French horn and Vicki plays double bass. They both played in the NZSO (New Zealand Symphony Orchestra) for many years. A documentary about the orchestra's 2011 European tour was on TV and we watched it with Ed and Vicki providing live behind-the-scenes commentary. I was just tickled to witness it and catch glimpses of them on screen. Ed is also from Washington State (Spokane) and did the STP last year so we had lots of stuff to talk about. He showed me around the village of Martinborough and we had a beer together, then he made spaghetti bolognese and salad for Vicki and me. I am so happy to get to meet such interesting and hospitable people.


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